Thursday, August 21, 2008

lets get this started... so.. i am working for apx again this summer. started out trying to sell in tampa but didn't like that at all. then i decided to move to the dirty south to be a technition. was supposed to be in birmingham for the rest of the summer but, due to some licencing issues i have been living out of hotels in bama, southern georgia, northern georgia, and for the last few weeks i have been working in chattanooga TN. I am Excited to fly home in a couple weeks to spend some time with some family and friends for a week. then back to APX for the rest of sept. hopefully i will be in jackson mississippi so i can work with my old pal BERT. installing security systems is kinda an adventure.. you never know what is in store for you... one of my favorite installs from last week was this guy.

this may look like an ordinary homeless preson living in an abandoned house.. but no. talking to this guy he seemed perfectly normal... " i used to be really clean! i guess when i started working nights i jusy got kinda depressed.." ( he didn't seem depressed at all. he was just lying down for a bit while i worked cause he was getting ready for third shift. yep, real job, pays bills, excellent credit. i think he is doing some sort of secret experiment. just stays in one room when he's home.. all of the other rooms were held shut by massive gobs of spider webs, that i had to walk through.. should have took more pics.

any who... here goes the blog.